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Wednesday, April 14, 2010



I echo that: thank you for what you do.


I guess a partner was present at one time or another.

Maybe she could have killed the infant. I'm sure the older child and the not yet born pne would have understood she was doing it for them.


I just reread my post - I enjoyed visiting this man because of the compassion he showed and the care he took. Our conversations were just that, he didn't need to be sold to but he took the time to see me knowing I needed a set number of visits a day. I have no doubt that the local (predominantly immigrant) women didn't relate to him as easily but I knew they were in good, kind hands.


Back in the mid '90s I briefly worked as a drug rep in North London, UK - a job I was lousy at and loathed. A few doctors I visited made my time bearable. One of these was an Abortion Dr in a very poor suburb. My job was to talk about Urinary Tract medicine and thats where our paths crossed.

He would tell me of women who would come back to him just days after an abortion with new STDs and UTIs. He described the heartbreak that they were powerless in their own homes to control their sexual activity. I thought of them when I read this post. I bet those first four feelings were in abundance, but not the fifth.

Whatever your personal views of abortion until you've walked in another person's shoes you truly can't judge. I am so thankful that I live in a sphere of western society which gives me choice and control.


Just: thank you for what you do. You are a hero every day.

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