I had a couple of ultrasounds today. Both women said their last periods were in November. One had a history of missed periods and was 21 weeks or so. She was determined to get an abortion and would probably travel 3-4 hours to get one.
The other woman had a baby last Fall and was breastfeeding. She turned out to be 25 weeks, in other words too late for an abortion. She sobbed and sobbed, "I just can't handle another one." She has two little ones already. We talked about adoption, about getting some more support, about keeping your dreams alive. She appreciated the sympathy but she still has to work out what to do and how to be.
Another woman should have been 4-5 weeks but ended up being 11-12. She was on the pill and actually had a period but....
As a cautionary tale, I want to tell everyone: having a period is a pretty good sign that you are not pregnant, but if you are not getting periods, GET A PREGNANCY TEST every month. Even if you are getting a period and even something is a little off, GET A TEST. The cheapo tests are just fine, just don't ignore missed periods or "odd periods."
What if an ultrasound shows a 24 weeker but since it's a second trimester ultrasound the fetus may be 26 weeks?
Do you believe that there's a chance the fetus might feel pain during abortion procedure? I'm not a pro-lifer I'm just curious.
Posted by: Kelly | Wednesday, September 08, 2010 at 05:52 PM
25 weeks is too late because the child could be viable outside the womb. There is a distinction that may be not the most appropriate, but still relatable. A fetus at 24 weeks becomes viable wherefore it could live if delivered alive, if a fetus passes away at this stage it is now considered a still birth instead of a late misscarriage (or the medical term I really ruffle at - missed abortion) which is ~14-23 weeks.
Posted by: Michelle | Monday, July 19, 2010 at 12:49 PM
Still a couple of them floating around.
Posted by: Pandora | Friday, May 21, 2010 at 10:08 PM
Why is 25 weeks too late? 6 months - did they kill all the late term doctors?
Posted by: Greenconsciousness | Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at 06:21 AM