Rev. Turner 0f Faith Aloud has created some great prayers for providers, women, and pro choice people. We're almost at the end of the 40 days but here they all are:
40 Days of Prayer to
Keep Abortion Safe and Legal
by Faith Aloud
Day 1:
Today we pray for women for whom pregnancy is not good news, that they
know they have choices.
Day 2:
Today we pray for compassionate religious voices to speak out for the dignity
and autonomy of women.
Day 3: Today we pray for our daughters and granddaughters, that they
will always know the power of making their own good decisions.
Day 4:
Today we give thanks for the doctors who provide quality abortion care,
and pray that they may be kept safe.
Day 5:
Today we pray for medical students who want to include abortion care in
their practice. May they receive
good training and find good mentors.
Day 6:
Today we ask for blessings upon the women who pass through hostile
protesters on their way into an abortion clinic. May they be shielded from physical and emotional harm from
those who do not know them.
Day 7:
Today we pray for the 45 million American women who have had safe, legal
abortions. May they stand tall and
refuse shame.
Day 8:
Today we pray for elected officials, that they may always support a
woman's right to make her own medical decisions.
Day 9:
Today we pray for women who are afraid of their lovers. May they find the confidence to turn
away from abuse and take care of themselves.
Day 10:
Today we pray for women who were joyfully expecting a child, but have
learned that the pregnancy is not sustainable.
Day 11:
Today we pray for better access to all forms of birth control.
Day 12:
Today we pray that women know the power of their own stories. May they find their voices and tell
their truths.
Day 13:
Today we pray for the men in our lives, that they may offer their loving
kindness and support for women's difficult decisions.
Day 14:
Today we pray for Christians everywhere to embrace the loving model of
Jesus in the way he refused to shame women.
Day 15:
Today we pray for parents whose teen daughters are pregnant. May they help their daughters through
this difficult time with kindness and openness.
Day 16:
Today we pray for the counselors in abortion clinics that they may
listen with their hearts and offer wise guidance.
Day 17:
Today we pray for increased financial support for low income women to
access contraception, abortion, and childcare.
Day 18:
Today we pray for all the staff at abortion clinics around the
nation. May they be daily
confirmed in the sacred care that they offer women.
Day 19:
Today we pray for all pregnant women. May they be surrounded by loving voices.
Day 20:
Today we pray for the families of yesteryear who still mourn the loss of
their mothers, sisters, and aunts due to illegal abortion.
Day 21:
Today we pray for women in developing nations, that they may know the
power of self-determination. May
they have access to employment, education, birth control, and abortion.
Day 22:
Today we pray for an end to all violence against abortion providers.
Day 23:
Today we give thanks for the strong women in our lives who have given us
examples of good decision-making.
Day 24:
Today we pray for an end to hateful language that diminishes the dignity
of women.
Day 25:
Today we pray for women who have been made afraid of their own power by
their religion. May they learn to
reject fear and live bravely.
Day 26:
Today we give thanks for the intelligence, talent, wit, and wisdom of
all the women and girls in our lives.
Day 27:
Today we give thanks for abortion providers around the nation whose
concern for women is the driving force in their lives.
Day 28:
Today we pray for the women who travel hundreds of miles to get an
abortion. May their determination
be rewarded with spiritual strength.
Day 29:
Today we pray that all women will know that they are created in the
image of God, good and holy, moral and wise.
Day 30:
Today we pray for women to throw away their secrets and claim their
histories with power and truth.
Day 31:
Today we pray for all discrimination against women to cease.
Day 32:
Today we pray for an end to the stigma perpetrated against women who
have abortions.
Day 33:
Today we offer a prayer of remembrance for abortion providers who lost
their lives because of their commitment to women.
Day 34:
Today we give thanks for abortion escorts who guide women safely through
the hostile gauntlets of protesters.
Day 35:
Today we pray for girls everywhere, that they may have every opportunity
for education, sport, health, art, and vocation.
Day 36:
Today we pray for the families we've chosen. May they know the blessing of choice.
Day 37:
Today we pray for women to claim their equality and demand their rights
as citizens.
Day 38:
Today we pray for a cloud of gentleness to surround every abortion
facility. May everyone feel calm
and loving.
Day 39:
Today we pray for a contagious love to overflow from our spirits.
Day 40:
Today we give thanks and celebrate that abortion is still safe and
"Day 3: Today we pray for our daughters and granddaughters, that they will always know the power of making their own good decisions."
What daughters and grandaughters? You're killing them before they have a chance at life!
Posted by: Walter | Monday, October 10, 2011 at 11:33 AM
Josh is a spammer. Please remove that post.
Posted by: Julie | Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 07:36 AM
Day 2: Today we pray for compassionate religious voices to speak out for the dignity and autonomy of women. YET THE CHILD IS NOT A PRODUCT OF THE WOMAN.
Day 3: Today we pray for our daughters and granddaughters, that they will always know the power of making their own good decisions. AND WE PRAY THAT SONS AND GRANDSONS WILL BE THERE TO PAY FOR ALIMONY.
Day 9: Today we pray for women who are afraid of their lovers. May they find the confidence to turn away from abuse and take care of themselves. MAYBE THEY SHOULDN'T AS "INDEPENDENT WOMEN" CHOSE THE MAN IF HE WAS ABUSIVE...INFACT THE AMOUNT OF POSSIBLE ABUSE IS DIMMINSHED IF THE WOMAN NEVER HAS A MAN...I'M ALL FOR NATURAL SELECTION
Posted by: Ben | Tuesday, January 04, 2011 at 03:25 PM
The only violence is the kind you antis bring (and revel in) and use against women and medical staff.
Posted by: steph | Friday, December 31, 2010 at 08:31 PM
Day 38: Today we pray for a cloud of gentleness to surround every abortion facility. May everyone feel calm and loving.
Don't waste your breath. As long as you continue to perpetrate violence it will never happen.
Posted by: Pandora | Tuesday, December 14, 2010 at 08:22 PM
I wish people had choices to keep their babies and not abort them, but I've seen situations where the was no hope at all and people choose to abort. I pray for those that they may see light when it's dark.
Thank you so much for the above prayers, I wish many who are ready to abort could see them.
I love your blog. Its one of the best i've seen by far. God Bless You..
Posted by: Stanley | Tuesday, December 14, 2010 at 11:03 AM
I see people like Kayla and Melissa still can take comfort in false generalizations. How nice for them.
Posted by: Julie | Thursday, December 02, 2010 at 05:58 PM
Maybe you guys should instead be praying for forgiveness for killing people and exploiting women. Abortion is about money, not helping women. This post is sad and you will one day be made to explain it. You will be held accountable for this garbage.
Posted by: melissa gonzalez | Friday, October 22, 2010 at 11:06 PM
Maybe you should pray for the babies that are losing their lives and being tortured. And if you want to give me that lame "It's a Product of Conception" line... the only person you are fooling is yourself. If it's not a baby, then your not Pregnant! No need for an abortion....right?!? Your respect for women is commendable, your approach is disgraceful! Shame on you for using gods name in such a horrendous way....
Posted by: Kayla | Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 07:00 AM
Regarding -
This is Hannah Bevills, I am an editor with We are a medical publication whose focus is geared towards promoting awareness on hospitals, including information, news, and reviews on them. Given the relevance of what you are offering from your site and what our mission is, I feel we may be able to collaborate in some way or another, I look forward to your response regarding the matter. Thanks!
Hannah Bevills
[email protected]
Posted by: Hannah | Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 07:11 AM
Join us! We're having a great discussion about this post here:
I love your blog by the way, and have been reading it for a long time. You do women a great service both in your work and in your posting. I wish you posted more often.
Posted by: Corey Waters | Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 09:47 AM