I know we're usually ultra serious about abortion in this blog, but I wanted to let people know about a romantic comedy that features abortion in a positive yet humorous light. It's called Obvious Child (and the Paul Simon song by the same name is featured) and it's about a young woman (Donna) who is dumped and in the consolation drunk hooks up with a guy and gets pregnant. Sort of like Knocked Up except the guy is basically a good soul.
Donna is not too conflicted about her decision--she doesn't even remember the guy's name-- and chalks it up to temporary stupidity. That allows for a certain light hearted inevitability. She confers with her girlfriend and asks, "Will it hurt?" She replies, "Not as much as the break up."
Unlike Juno (which I loved in spite of this scene) the abortion clinic is neutral, and the actual abortion is just her nodding off. The "recovery" has women not meeting each others' eyes (ah the stigma shows up) and I guess that happens, although in my experience recovery rooms are fairly friendly.
So check out Gillian Robespierre's Obvious Child and tell your friends. It deserves a wide audience. (in case the link doesn't work http://pandagon.net/index.php/site/a_rom_com_about_abortion/)