I've been meaning to add a link to this story by Alison Piepmeier for quite a while. Even though close to 40% of American women will have an abortion during their childbearing years, it's one of the few things that we don't talk about freely. Is there anything else happens to 40% of us that we don't talk about?
We talk about sex and finances and relationships/partnerships and illness and parenting and all messy details of our lives. Why not about this?
I think this is a beautiful, brave essay. What would the world look like if we could all tell our stories so freely?
Thank you for your supportive post! I've gotten quite a bit of attention on anti-abortion blogs, so it's encouraging to encounter other like-minded folks.
Posted by: Alison | Monday, June 16, 2008 at 07:11 PM
And in a similar vein, here's mine....http://www.redroom.com/audio/my-good-abortion
Posted by: Ericka | Monday, June 16, 2008 at 04:34 PM