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Saturday, January 07, 2006



i know it's a bit late, but i wanted to point out that doctors weren't taught to do abortions in medical school, and that is one of contributing factors in the prevalence of clinics.


oh my gosh...was i impressed! i am going to be honest. i am on the fence with abortion. I have a background here.not a happy one not really willing to share it- i did use NFP until surprise! so ironic, but this is why i found this banter so interesting. i'm just sorry i joined in so late

*** but i have to say the dytrima,
"Me", "LB98", and "linda flores",
had some of the most compelling arguments for BC. so good! you backed up Jacque so into a corner with your thoughtful writing. she basically had to end it with nothing else, saying "stop cursing, you immature person" . Hahahahahaha. I am writing a piece of some peaceful gray area on abortion, conception and birth control. it was so neat to have people experienced at life be so wise. I want to quote the four of you, but could only find one of your email addresses, "LB's".Please write you guys if you give your permission and i can explain more about my efforts. [email protected]

p.s. jacque, i was highly offended that you happened to "mention" your "foster children" way after you definitely would have brought it up, seeing you were grasping for straws way before someone questioned what YOU do for unwanted children. I took in three children at 16, because their mom started having kids at 17- got frustrated and bailed...she (at the time) felt no shame to leave her kids in the care of another kid trying desperately to care for herself.i gave up a lot of my precious HS years to care for us all. I would never have changed a thing in this regard, but i loathe the probability that you just were inserting made-up children charity for the sake of your argument. i think even you knew you were fronting in some way and it wasn't kosher. please don't come on these kinds of boards unless you are willing to concede with you've said something that has been proved patently ridiculous, false, presumptious or worse- you just didn't respond. don't waste these people's times.


In your late 40's and still using gratuituous foul language?

Wow, I assumed that was immaturity.


This was a fascinating post in terms of history and how the opinion of abortion has changed. Can you give me further reading suggestions on this. I have already done a paper on the abortion clinics in Oregon prior to WWII. For my thesis paper in history I would like tp expand on my paper and finding information can be hard.



Last time I checked, I was an adult and didn't need a man to take care of me. Not that I don't like the company of men. I'm actually VERY fond of their company.

Which is why I had a tubal ligation. Best thing I ever did in my life. No fears of pregnancy now. Since I would be at the abortion clinic faster than a greyhound can run after a lure if I got pregnant, this is a good thing. Because I don't want kids. Not now or ever. I've got plenty of friends who have wanted and loved children if I ever feel the need to take a minor to the park. I've also got a few friends who had children they didn't really want or that they didn't prepare for. Miserable lives these people have.

Anyway, my point is that an adult person should be taking care of themselves. They shouldn't be depending on someone else to take responsibility for their lives. This leads to all sorts of unpleasant things like STDs resulting from "Oh, I never asked him about STD testing or pregnancy prevention, but I'm sure things are ok. Plus, he doesn't really like to use condoms." This is not the attitude that will take you far in life.

However, if you're eager for AIDS, genital herpes, or a child whose father is never in its life, feel free to espouse the above.

Em Finn

"hoping to find a nice OBGYN who is pro-choice and open to homeopathic remedies"

Just so you know, it is official now. Homeopathy has been shown through extensive testing (standard double blind administration and result checking) and accepted by the medical community as being completely fake, with no basis in reality whatsoever beyond standard placebo effects.

So if you do find someone open to homeopathic remedies, do be aware they are several years behind the times, and liable to indulge in make-believe and false treatments.


Oy, Jackie, I've never been on chemical birth control, but my husband had a vasectomy. Guess something must be wrong with his masculinity. Let me go check. *grin*


Jacqueline, I realize you have some kind of mental impediment that prevents you from listening to what other women say (that misogynist thing, I suppose), but you're arguing a strawman.

I believe men should respect women, too, and women should respect men.

I don't, like you, think that the fact people use birth control means women don't want to be respected by men, or that men don't want to respect women.

Your problem is you have this propaganda line you have to keep spewing, therefore you can't see anything that doesn't fit with it.

All women who use birth control are not sluts who want to be disrespected and get quickie sex and who associate with piggy men. I know you think this is true - you've stated it several times now.

Many women who have been married for decades and who have families use birth control.

Breeding like a hamster isn't a sign that you're morally more righteous than someone who plans their family responsibly. Just go to any housing project in any inner city and check out the women who don't use birth control - you know, women like you, who have such fabulous respect for themselves and who are committed to such loyal, upstanding men...riiiiiggghht....

I don't think women NEED to take a pill or have surgery to be equal, although many people, men, women and children do require some kind of medication or even surgery to remain healthy - or even just alive. I guess that's a dirty thing, too.

I don't look on procreation as a problem, either. I also don't look on human beings as farm animals. Sexual relationships aren't about impregnating women alone. But how could you possibly know that? You've never been in a long-term, committed relationship. I've been married for over twenty years. I might know a thing or two you don't, dear. I know that sometimes it's downright stupid and irresponsible to bring another child into the world, and I know that what really and truly goes on between a man and a woman in a long-term, committed relationship is much deeper and much more necessary to the health and well-being of that marriage than your narrow, ignorant, uninformed view of sex as either cheap orgasms or something necessary for pregnancy. Again, I know this from experience. You don't know anything about this.

Right now, for the first time in my life, in my late forties, I'm on the pill. I guess in your eyes that makes me a slut and a whore and means I'm just out to jump the UPS man while my husband is at work. Of course, the fact that I didn't want to die of severe anemia is the truth, but you've proven over and over again that the truth means nothing to you. You prefer to deal in lies. You have no medical degrees, and you have no idea why anyone is on the pill or uses any other birth control.

As for your last comment, well...I'm laughing my ass off...

I've been married for almost a quarter of a century. We have four children. My husband is the most respectful, loving, responsible man I have ever met. My children are beautiful and smart and good and successful.

The only one here, Jacqueline, who is angry and bitter is you, and jealous, to boot. Maybe you're the one who needs to find a man who respects you and loves you and takes responsibility WITH you for family planning (not just fucks you like a ram fucking a sheep in a rut every time you're fertile, which seems to be your ideal for married sexual relationships).

Your dishonesty, your refusal to see other women as complete, whole individuals, your assumptions and presumptions, your spite and your ignorance are not helping the "prolife" cause one whit. AAMOF, it's women like you who can't deal in honesty, love and compassion but would rather spread lies about other people and spout outdated, disproven propaganda who do more harm to the "prolife" cause than anything else.

But you're not about anyone else's life. You're just a sad, lonely attention whore who goes home to a cold, empty bed every night and is bitterly jealous of women who are married and have families and who know the wholeness and fullness of a good, solid, responsible relationship with someone who respects them and loves them and is responsible about their families.

The most ridiculous thing about your post is that you are telling the two married women who have children to, uh, get married and have children. Take your own advice, sweetie, and live it for a while, and then get back to us on what selfish, slutty, piggy whores we are with our cheap sex and our birth control. What do you know about marriage and motherhood, anyway? When was the last time you sustained your husband through a year of job loss or sat by the bedside of your seriously ill child or went through a very, very difficult pregnancy and labor, or lost a child, or went through any of the things real, actual married people and parents go through?

What do you know about anything, you stupid little child? Your mother and father did a spectacularly lousy job with you. Tell them I said so. If they haven't up and died of shame already, that is.


Funny, I am a woman that hates women for implying that men should respect women and that women shouldn't have to change our bodies to be equal. I am a woman that looks at procreation or not procreating as a partnership rather that a "woman's problem."

If that makes me a misogynist, what does that make you?

I don't need pills or surgery to be equal. I feel sorry for you women that feel like you do.

Find men that respect and honor you and that take responsibility for family planning. Maybe then you all won't be so angry and bitter.


Me Says:

Actually, you just have to look at the insert on a package of pills...

LB Says:

I know this. Any woman who takes the pill (or hormoinal BC for that matter) knows this. It's those who choose top believe the pro-force, anti-BC, mysogynists who won't be bothered to find out the facts on their own.

Furthermore if hormonal BC was so "life threatening" it wouldn't be prescribed at all.

Me Says:

The serious side effects of the pill are very, very, very rare. Hormonal birth control is one of longest-studied and safest pharmacological products on the market.

And even within the very tiny group of women who experience those side effects, the truth is that the majority of them are heavy smokers.

LB Says:

Again, preaching to the choir. Those with extreme poor lifestyle habits are more likely to experience those adverse reactions because in combination with smoking, obesity, high blood pressure the pill may increase the risk or severity of those conditions, but in no way does the pill cause them.

Me Says:

The absolute, documented, proveable, factual truth of the matter is that thousands and thousands and thousands - tens and hundreds of thousands and even millions - of women (and men and, hello, CHILDREN) are at infinitely greater risk of suffering these same side effects merely because of their eating and exercising habits, and they are at risk for other equally life-threatening side effects, as well. Add smoking to that mix, and you might as well put a bullet to your head.

That's the truth.

LB says:


Me Says:

I can understand being anti-abortion. I can understand personally choosing not to use a particular form of birth control for whatever personal reasons you deem important.

I cannot understand denying other women safe, effective birth control and then being anti-abortion.

LB Says:

I agree completely. I can understand all of that too. I cannot however understand the mindset of those pro-forcers who insist that ALL must step into their line of beliefs on abortion and BC. Their morality, which they would like to make law ignores the fact that even if abortion is illegal it will STILL happen. But tell that to them, and they brush it off. These people IMHO do NOT care for life, instead they are desperate to control women and cubbyhole them into a nuclear-family-fantasy ideal, where women are mothers or whores. There is no grey area. They are not for life. They are for control.

ME Says:

This is not the attitude of a woman who is truly about freedom and autonomy for women.

LB Says:

It most certainly is not.

Me Says:

That's the attitude of a person who believes a woman must be enslaved to a man and must be impregnated every chance possible in order to be worth anything. That's the attitude of a person who doesn't believe women should have choices about her future - that marriage and motherhood (or "spinsterhood", which, I guess, is what Jacque has opted for) are all that any woman's future should include.

LB Says:

It's also the attitude of people who hate women. People who would not bat an eye at the sight of a woman who dies from an illegal abortion - afterall it's her "punisment" for having sex without permission, and perhaps she should have "thought about" what could happen. These people use pregnancy and children as punishments so trhey can sit high upon their morally bankrupt pedestal and judge and condemn women who didn't play by their ever-changing rules of being a "good" girl.

ME Says:

Birth control is not evil and bad and people who use it are not baby-killers. Even the Catholic Church sanctions the use of birth control - NFP, which is birth control - it's a method of monitoring body signals in order to control, space, or avoid conception. It's birth control. It's not anything else.

Or maybe Jacque is one of those barmy "quiverfull" types who believes women must never deny her husband sex and must have as many babies as "God" sees fit.

People like Jacque are the most selfish people in the world. They would refuse any other human being to make a single choice that doesn't jibe with their personal beliefs.

I'm not sure why Jacque still lives here in the US. There are plenty of places still thriving in the Middle East and elsewhere in which society will uphold every single one of her beliefs. No birth control, no abortion, no sex outside of marriage, and no choices outside of marriage and motherhood for women. Actually, there are even places that will happily cut Jacque's clitoris out for her lest she be offended by the notion that women can experience sexual pleasure and that sex for women might mean anything other than procreation.

I'll personally pay her way if she goes now.

LB Says:

I couldn't agree more.


Actually, you just have to look at the insert on a package of pills...

The serious side effects of the pill are very, very, very rare. Hormonal birth control is one of longest-studied and safest pharmacological products on the market.

And even within the very tiny group of women who experience those side effects, the truth is that the majority of them are heavy smokers.

The absolute, documented, proveable, factual truth of the matter is that thousands and thousands and thousands - tens and hundreds of thousands and even millions - of women (and men and, hello, CHILDREN) are at infinitely greater risk of suffering these same side effects merely because of their eating and exercising habits, and they are at risk for other equally life-threatening side effects, as well. Add smoking to that mix, and you might as well put a bullet to your head.

That's the truth.

I can understand being anti-abortion. I can understand personally choosing not to use a particular form of birth control for whatever personal reasons you deem important.

I cannot understand denying other women safe, effective birth control and then being anti-abortion.

This is not the attitude of a woman who is truly about freedom and autonomy for women.

That's the attitude of a person who believes a woman must be enslaved to a man and must be impregnated every chance possible in order to be worth anything. That's the attitude of a person who doesn't believe women should have choices about her future - that marriage and motherhood (or "spinsterhood", which, I guess, is what Jacque has opted for) are all that any woman's future should include.

Birth control is not evil and bad and people who use it are not baby-killers. Even the Catholic Church sanctions the use of birth control - NFP, which is birth control - it's a method of monitoring body signals in order to control, space, or avoid conception. It's birth control. It's not anything else.

Or maybe Jacque is one of those barmy "quiverfull" types who believes women must never deny her husband sex and must have as many babies as "God" sees fit.

People like Jacque are the most selfish people in the world. They would refuse any other human being to make a single choice that doesn't jibe with their personal beliefs.

I'm not sure why Jacque still lives here in the US. There are plenty of places still thriving in the Middle East and elsewhere in which society will uphold every single one of her beliefs. No birth control, no abortion, no sex outside of marriage, and no choices outside of marriage and motherhood for women. Actually, there are even places that will happily cut Jacque's clitoris out for her lest she be offended by the notion that women can experience sexual pleasure and that sex for women might mean anything other than procreation.

I'll personally pay her way if she goes now.


Jackie Says:

I am a foster mother to kids is state custody, notably with chemical addictions and chronic illnesses, as not to 'dodge your question' but assuming that I weren't doing anything, which is far from the truth, at least I'm not supporting the killing of INNOCENT children.

LB Says:

Children are born. Fetuses, zygotes and embryos are not. If you think something as big as or smaller than this >.< is a child, hey tootsie, that's your perrogative. But don't expect people with half a brain cell to buy into your "poor baybeeeeeez" hysterical mantra.

Jackie Says:

Funny, with all you talk about responsibility, that you don't think you should be responsible for your own children

And where did you get that honey? I'm a mother to an infant son. Try pulling something else from your ASSumptions.

Jackie Says:

(carrying them to term instead of killing them) but yet I am supposably responsible for EVERYBODY's children.

LB Says:

Where did I say you had to take care of everyone's children? But if you're going to FORCE women to remain pregnant you had better pony up some kind of support for these children if their mothers cannot support them - and would have aborted for that very reason.

Jackie Says:

For the record: I don't care what you do with your body, but

LB Says:

Your "But...." nullifies your "I don't care statement" You obviously DO care Jackie. You have demonstrated to all here that it bothers you women use birth control. You have demonstrated to everyone here that YOU think they should not be allowed to decide what to do with their bodies. You have relished telling another person you hoped she would not have any children. You have delighted in your own "moral superiority" by claimng women on hormonal birth control do so to become sex-objects for men - so they could feel liberated to sleep with dozens of people...ASSuming that would be the only reason a woman would take the pill. If anything, you have been a shining example of the moral bankruptcy of the pro-force, anti-woman camp.

As a female mysogynist, you take the cake.

Jackie Says:

when you pay someone with a curette or a suction machine to go in and dismember your child's body, that's another story. Look at what remains of a child after an abortion. That's not your arms and legs that have been torn off, now is it?

LB says:

No, it is the remains of a fetus. A fetus most likely between 8-12 weeks. A fetus that could not survive outside the womb. A non-sentient being. A non-feeling being. As a "foster mother" you well know the REAL pain children suffer from neglect, hunger and abuse. But I *serioulsy* doubt you are.

And sweetie, if you claim that there is information in an accredited medical journal that details the risks of hormonal BC, do post some links to verify your claims. But funny, you are so ignorant to the utter stupidity of your "go look it up" statement, I'll spare you the time. You'd need to go look in a pharmacology book to see the side-effects of hormonal BC. But alas you would find that the risks of hormonal BC are so slim, you would be too embarassed to post what it says, for it would make you look more of the bumbling fool you are.

Jackie Says:

When I started talking technically about the points of the pill

LB Says:

Just *EXACTLY* where was that? Go agead, copy & paste to me the passage where you detailed that. Oh you can't, you never did, LIAR.

Have a nice day tootsie.


Nah, it's not. And you saying it over and over only makes me giggle. :-D

Poor Jacque. Maybe someday you'll get a husband and family of your own. You're definitely going to have to work on your personality issues, though, 'cause ain't no guy on the planet gonna put up with that lousy attitude.


It's anger.


Just because a woman is on the pill doesn't mean the burden of birth control has been left to the woman. Given that it is a safe and highly reliable method of birth control, and that it doesn't interfere physically with the natural momentum and natural feeling of intercourse (as condom or diaphragm use would), the pill is often the method couples choose together as their preferred choice in family planning.

Again with the assumptions, Jacque? This seems to be your specialty.

This is a personaldecision. It is not your business. You don't get an opinion here. Stay out of other people's marriages. How they plan their families is their business and not yours. Get a husband of your own (if you can find some poor ignorant slob who's willing to put up with your nasty personality) and make your own decisions and have your own sex. Other people's sex lives aren't your business, no matter how jealous of them you are.

The purported abortive effects of the pill have never been proven, and the truth is that a certain percentage of all fertilized eggs fail, for any number of reasons, to implant. Since the pill prevents ovulation and therefore conception, it is less likely to have a fertilized egg fail to implant while on the pill than it is if you use no BC method at all - or one with a higher failure rate (condom, diaphragm).

The pill is not abortive. It does not work by causing abortions. It works by preventing ovulation. It fails when used improperly. As far as anyone knows, those pregnancies are perfectly viable, the eggs implant and everything proceeds as normal. In spite of Jacque's insistance and guarantee that women on the pill absolutely will abort, I know of several women who've gotten pregnant while on the pill, and were very happy to welcome new additions to their families. I am godmother to one of the children who is the result of failed hormonal birth control. He's no less loved and wanted and welcomed than any of his mother's other children, or than the children who are the result of failed NFP. But don't tell Jacque that. She can't handle the truth.

It's not that Jacque doesn't feel like teaching a biology class today (something she's quite obviously not qualified to do). It's that Jacque runs from the truth and cannot defend her ridiculous statements and assumptions. So she goes all over superior and runs away. How predictable.



When I started talking technically about the points of the pill (it's abortive nature, etc.), I lost you. I probably went way over your head before that. So go pull out a Physician's Desk Reference and education yourself on what you put into your body everyday and then I'll address your questions. I don't feel like teaching a Biology class at the moment.


Oh, Oh, oh...

You're right, I didn't catch that sarcasm. It was foolish of me to think that a pro-choicer could be cordial.

I am a foster mother to kids is state custody, notably with chemical addictions and chronic illnesses, as not to 'dodge your question' but assuming that I weren't doing anything, which is far from the truth, at least I'm not supporting the killing of INNOCENT children.

Funny, with all you talk about responsibility, that you don't think you should be responsible for your own children (carrying them to term instead of killing them) but yet I am supposably responsible for EVERYBODY's children.

For the record: I don't care what you do with your body, but when you pay someone with a curette or a suction machine to go in and dismember your child's body, that's another story. Look at what remains of a child after an abortion. That's not your arms and legs that have been torn off, now is it?


Jackie Says:

I simply asked why birth control should fall on the woman and apparently I touched a nerve.

It does not "just fall upon a woman," but if she doesn't want to get pregnant SHE had better take steps to prevent it. Get it? You should never rely upon someone else to do your contraception for you.

Jackie says:

Don't ask for a response if you're going to throw a hissy fit. Certainly don't preach about "thought-provoking, non-judgemental, open-minded responses" with a response like that.

LB says:

I see you dodged my questions. I'll take it as a "come hell or high water" to you adopting/caring for born children.

Your lust to be able to control what women do with their bodies and personal lives is transparent. The only person Jackie has to worry about is Jackie. Jackie can choose for herself what jackie does with her body, but NOBODY else's.

And honey, *IF* you were in college pursuing higher education, you would not be so dumb as a box of rocks on birth control and a wee thing called sarcasm - with which my posts to you have been filled, mainly that first one...

Tsk. Tsk.


Jackie Says:

So marriages aren't partnerships? You're not responsible TOGETHER for your children, having them or not having them? You have to take a pill because if you get pregnant it's YOUR problem?

LB Says:

*I* am teh one who will be pregnant, so YES teh pregnancy will be MY problem. MY weight to carry. Since my husband is incapable of being pregnant it is MY job.

When we HAVE a child, *WE* become responsible for it. In Utero, it's MY gig. get it? So if I don't WANT TO BECOME PREGNAT I had damn well better make sure I try and prevent it from happening without having to "rely upon my man" to put contraception on his shoulders.

Get it? I doubt you do.


Jackie Says:

Why do we use the term innocent a lot? Well, because it's true. Unborn children aren't capable of malice or offenses.

LB Says:

Neither are they capable of love and good deeds. They are non-sentient. Neither guilty or innocent.

Jackie Says:

The original conversation was about birth control and abortion being liberating and promoting equality. They do neither.

LB Says:

How would you know? You have never been pregnant so have no inkling what it is like to be NOT pregnant anymore. You have no idea of how taxing pregnancy is one one's body, and how GOOD it feels to be NOT pregnant. Furthermore you have no idea how liberating it is to be married and be intimate with your husband without worry of getting pregnant and possibly having a child you are not able to support. How can you speak of liberation when you know nothing about sex, and how it brings people closer together as a demonstration of intimacy and love?

Jackie Says:

Analogies to shellfish allergies and other unhealthy drugs are irrelevant to the conversation, so why should I address them? The post was about birth control and abortion relative to women's health, not women's health in general.

LB asks:

What's the difference between women's health and women's health in general?

Jackie says:

Basically it a SIDE EFFECT is help for endo but you have to break other things in your body for that side effect.

LB says:


Jackie Says:

A healthy body ovulates for example. So instead of addressing the problem, you're jacking with what is healthy about you for the side effect of less pain elsewhere.<<<<

LB says:

So bodies that don't ovulate are unhealthy? Being fertile is the only state of health for a woman?

Jackie Says:

I didn't know this at the time, so I took the pill and it was a nightmare, and I hope those pregnancy hormones didn't do damage to my sexually developing body. Luckily it was for a short time.

LB Says:

Did you inform your MD of your nightmare? I took a pill once that was not right for me, told my MD and switched to one that gave me no ill reaction.

Jackie Says:

When my disease flared up again in my college years, I found out about the abortive aspects of the pill and refused to take it mainly because I didn't want to support a company that produces abortives.

LB Says: What abortive aspects?

Jackie Says:

Unless you're trying to concieve, you don't need a regular period. And before you suggest that the pill fixes their bodies and makes them normal, if you never took your sugar pills, you'd NEVER have a period.

LB Says: So If I don't need a regular period, why then the panic about me controlling if and when i get a period?

Jackie Says:

After you take the pill, it often takes 6 months for the body to repair itself. Why traumatize your body like that?

LB Says:

What trauma? Could you please cite some of this trauma you keep going on about?



So marriages aren't partnerships? You're not responsible TOGETHER for your children, having them or not having them? You have to take a pill because if you get pregnant it's YOUR problem?

You've given me another fabulous reason to oppose the pill.



Wow, that was certainly a "thought-provoking, non-judgemental, open-minded response" to the questions you asked me to answer.

I simply asked why birth control should fall on the woman and apparently I touched a nerve. It wasn't intentional, but you went on a tirade. Don't ask for a response if you're going to throw a hissy fit. Certainly don't preach about "thought-provoking, non-judgemental, open-minded responses" with a response like that.

"Hey Kettle, this is LB98. You're black."


>>>Why do we use the term innocent a lot? Well, because it's true.>>The original conversation was about birth control and abortion being liberating and promoting equality. They do neither.>>( By the way that was 23 deaths from the patch, not latex. I was comparing men's risks to women's risks to demonstrate how inequitable they are).>>Analogies to shellfish allergies and other unhealthy drugs are irrelevant to the conversation, so why should I address them?>> Basically it a SIDE EFFECT is help for endo but you have to break other things in your body for that side effect.>>>A healthy body ovulates for example. So instead of addressing the problem, you're jacking with what is healthy about you for the side effect of less pain elsewhere.>>I didn't know this at the time, so I took the pill and it was a nightmare,>>and I hope those pregnancy hormones didn't do damage to my sexually developing body.>>When my disease flared up again in my college years, I found out about the abortive aspects of the pill>>I instead decided to change my lifestyle. I cut out dietary causes (caffiene, dairy, refined sugar), ate flax products, etc and I don't have those issues anymore. No inflammation or cysts. >>So those children that you suggest use the pill for those reasons, are risking blood clots and other health issues so that can have a 'regular period'.>>Unless you're trying to concieve, you don't need a regular period.>>And before you suggest that the pill fixes their bodies and makes them normal, if you never took your sugar pills, you'd NEVER have a period.>>So again, the pill is keeping them from being normal.>>As for the cramps, I had cramps so bad I was home from school with a heating bad. After I got off the pill, I got a pain pill for the crampy days instead of messing with my hormones further.>>As for taking medication- I do, but sparingly and for need. The pill is not a need, so the benefits don't outweigh the damage/risks.>>After you take the pill, it often takes 6 months for the body to repair itself.>>Why traumatize your body like that?>>If your husband doesn't have a latex allergy or a spermicide allergy, why should all the responsibility and risk fall on you? Is that equal? <<<

It's none of your effing business why I chose the BC I do. We don't need to quibble over such petty nuances of, "But I have to take the BC! That's not fair!!!!" Furthermore *I* am the one who will be pregnant. HE won't. So if I don't want to be pregnant I had damn well better make sure I take something to prevent it. It's called BEING RESPONSIBLE, not whining over if it's fair or not. MY fertility and MY body are MY responsibility, not his or anyone else's. Got it?

You have a lot of growing up to do, and a lot to learn from life before you go trying to control others' reproductive freedoms with your infantile, "but it's not FAIR if a woman has to take BC" attitude.

If you don't want an abortion, don't have one. If you don't want to use BC, you don't HAVE to. But leave the personal, private decisions of others to themselves.

BTW - How many "saved" children have you adopted? Raised any? Support any (monetarily & emotionally)? If you really Do care about "innocent children" there are THOUSANDS of children out there in need of help. Start with those already born who feel hunger, cold, pain and neglect.


No, Jacque, it's not anger.

It's just not being silenced by someone like you who insists on making horrible, dishonest assumptions about others, yet claims to be for "life".

It's not allowing you to get away with your bullshit.

You are the one who comes across as emotionally dead and completely narcissistic.

You cannot see other human beings as even being human if they don't parrot your beliefs word for word.

Why don't you tell me how you can see into the future and guarantee that another woman will definitely have an abortion, or how you can see inside every woman who chooses hormonal birth control and decide she's just out for quickie, uncommitted sex and wishes to be used as a plaything by men?

You made those statements, yet you refuse to defend them.

You drop these horrific, hurtful, offensive bombs on people and then ignore their requests for clarification or their rebuttals, and then you have the gall to talk about other people's issues?

You don't intimidate me at all. You're just another loudmouth on the internet who claims she knows everything about other women (even when proven wrong, as in my case), and who wants to spew outdated, erroneous, dishonest propaganda any chance she gets.


I guess I was wrong. Even if you don't respond to "Me" she just keeps going! That's some powerful anger.

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